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Affordable, reliable energy: Washington employers speak out against proposed natural gas restrictions

Article from AWB

Reliable and affordable energy is one of Washington's main competitive advantages.

The state's diverse energy portfolio -- which includes hydro, wind, solar, nuclear an
d natural gas — has helped Washington's economy grow into one of the strongest in the country.

But legislation under consideration in the Legislature would restrict the use of natural gas in Washington, raising concern among employers about their ability to compete. And efforts to restrict natural gas could drive up energy costs for consumers and businesses in a time of rising inflation.

“There would be significant, unintended consequences, and I think the first thing you’d find out of the gate is just this huge economic loss," Jim Seley, CEO of Feed Commodities, said in a new AWB Amplified report and video. "You’re going to have industries shutting down, and the reason I say that is because there’s just no infrastructure in the area to deliver an alternative type of fuel to supply these businesses with.”

The bills being considered include: HB 1766/SB 5668, HB 1767/SB 5666, HB 1770/SB 5669 and HB 1774/SB 5722.

Contact Peter Godlewski, AWB government affairs director for energy and environmental policy, to learn more and get involved.

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